Monday, September 30, 2019

The Relationship Between Acculturation And Social Identity Education Essay

This text explains about the relationship between socialization and societal individuality of EFL scholars. Culture and societal individuality are closely connected to each other and it is so of import to pay attending plenty to them. I think the acquisition of 2nd linguistic communication requires cultural every bit good as lingual competency every bit good as unrecorded within cultural context. By socialization, we mean the internal procedures of alteration that immigrant experience when they come into direct contact with the members of other civilization. The other point is about societal individuality theory states that people think, feel, and act as members of collative groups and civilizations. So, in this text I briefly explicate about these two of import factors in the procedure of EFL scholars.Introduction:Culture in 2nd linguistic communication instruction and learning indentifies excessively many aspects of civilization that influence SL scholars and instructors. It addres ses the impact of civilization to interact, talk, build significance and write in a 2nd linguistic communication, while remaining within the socioculture paradigms particular to a peculiar linguistic communication and its talkers. ( Hinkle, 1999 ) I think through the survey of other linguistic communications, pupils gain cognition and apprehension of the civilizations that use that linguistic communication ; in fact pupils can non truly maestro the linguistic communication until they have besides mastered the cultural contexts in which the linguistic communication occurs. Actually, a scholar does non truly larn a linguistic communication absolutely unless he/she learn about the civilization of mark linguistic communication. So, I think the of import point is that, all pupils and scholars must pay attending plenty to this point. Linguists and anthropologists have long recognized that the signifiers and utilizations of a given linguistic communication reflect the cultural values of the society in which the linguistic communication is spoken. So, in my sentiment societal individuality of scholars can be made through this procedure. Linguistic competency entirely is non plenty for scholars of a linguistic communication to be competent in that linguistic communication ( Krasner, 1999 ) . Language scholars need to be cognizant, for illustration, of the culturally appropriate ways to turn to people, express gratitude, make petitions, and agree or disagree with person. They should cognize that behaviours and modulation forms that are appropriate in their ain address community may be perceived otherwise by members of the mark linguistic communication address community. They have to understand that, in order for communicating to be successful, linguistic communication usage must be associated with other culturally ap propriate behaviour. So, in my sentiment they should see plenty to the function of societal individuality and societal behaviour of themselves. In differentiation with personal individuality, societal individuality is basically a sense of belonging to a group, whether it is cultural, national, lingual, cultural or professional. All of these countries, among others, consist of the different constituents of our societal individuality. They can besides be referred to as different societal individualities. So, 2nd linguistic communication acquisition involves the acquisition of a 2nd individuality. This creative activity of a new individuality is at the bosom of civilization acquisition, or what some might name socialization. ( Brown, 2000 ) . This term can be defined loosely as the alteration that accurs within an person based on his or her interaction within two distinguishable civilizations. more specifically, Sam and Berry ( 1995 ) defined socialization E? as a construct used to mention to behavioural and psychological alterations that occur as a consequence of contact between people belonging to different civilization groups.E? ( p.10 )Body:Models of Socialization:Based on thoughts proposed in some research ( e.g. , Berry, 1970 ; Sommerlad & A ; Berry, 1970 ) , Sayegh and Lasry ( 1993 ) outlined three theoretical theoretical accounts for understanding the procedure of socialization: additive, bidimensional, and extraneous. Linear ( besides referred to as unidimensional ) theoretic al accounts imply that the socialization position of immigrants is divided into two classs. In one class, the cultural values and beliefs of the group dissolve, or assimilate, into the host civilization. In contrast, persons in the other class retain their value system and independency, therefore being â€Å" marginalized as inassimilable † ( Sayegh & A ; Lasry, 1993 ) . In contrast, bidimensional theoretical accounts suggest that there is an interaction between the dimension of cultural or cultural individuality care and the dimension of dealingss between civilizations or groups. Harmonizing to this theoretical account, four possible manners of socialization are possible: assimilation, integrating, marginalisation, and separation. Assimilation describes when an person from the cultural minority identifies wholly and entirely with the dominant or host civilization while rejecting their cultural individuality. Integration implies a province in which an person from the cultural minority retains strong traditions of their cultural group but besides identifies good with the dominant civilization. Marginalization refers to the happening of an cultural minority group rejecting or being uninvolved with either their cultural civilization or the dominant civilization. Separation is a theoretical account by which the cultural minority group identifies merely with their cultural group while excepting interaction with the dominant civilization. So, these classification must take into history.Definition of Culture:The National Center for Cultural Competence defines civiliz ation as an â€Å" incorporate form of human behaviour that includes ideas, communications, linguistic communications, patterns, beliefs, values, imposts, courtesies, rites, manners of interacting and functions, relationships and expected behaviours of a racial, cultural, spiritual or societal group ; and the ability to convey the above to wining coevalss † ( Goode, Sockalingam, Brown, & A ; Jones, 2000 ) . In its broadcast significance, civilization is a humanly created environment for all our ideas and actions. ( Tepperman et al 1994:1 ) .This is something all worlds portion and what distinguishes us from the carnal universe. After reexamining some paper, I realized that for many people, civilization would intend art, literature, imposts and mundane life peculiar to a certain group.However, civilization besides include unseeable characteristics like beliefs, values, norms and attitudes. The anthropological definition of civilization is besides shared by the other bookmans of the other Fieldss, including that of language.Lado ( 1986:52 ) writes in Linguistic Across Culture that civilization is synonymous with the â€Å" ways of people † ; Chastain ( 1988:302 ) defines civilization as â€Å" the manner people live † and, harmonizing to Brown ( 2000:176 ) , civilization is â€Å" a manner of life † .Goals of learning and learning civilization:When the chief purpose of foreign linguistic communication instruction is to develop pupils ‘ ability to pass on efficaciously and suitably in assorted state of affairss, the instruction of civilization should ease intercultural communicating and understanding.Seelye formulates what he himself calls a ace end for the instruction of civilization: † All pupils will develop the cultural apprehension, attitudes, and public presentation accomplishments needed to work suitably within a section of another society and to pass on with the people socialized in that civilization. â€Å" ( Seelye 1993:29 ) Chastain ( 1988:299-300 ) adds that in linguistic communication categories where intercultural apprehension is one of the ends, pupils become more cognizant of their ain civilization and knowing about the foreign civilization. In such categories, pupils learn to acknowledge cultural forms of behaviour and communicating and map within the parametric quantities with those new outlooks. They learn that civilization daze is a normal reaction, and they anticipate ways to cover with new and uncomfortable state of affairss. The hope is that they will develop a greater tolerance for those whose values, attitudes, and beliefs are different from their and that they will larn to pull off alteration and growing successfully in their life-time ( Damen, 1987 ) . Tomalin and Stempleski ( 1993:7-8 ) have modified See lye ‘s ends of cultural direction.According to them, the instruction of civilization should assist pupils: aˆ?to develop an apprehension of the fact that all people exhibit culturally-conditioned behaviours aˆ?to develop an apprehension that societal variables such as age, sex, societal category, and topographic point of abode influence the manner in which people speak and behave aˆ?to go more cognizant of conventional behaviour in common state of affairss in the mark civilization aˆ?to increase their consciousness of the cultural intensions of words and phrases in the mark linguistic communication aˆ?to develop the ability to measure and polish generalisations about the mark civilization, in footings of back uping grounds aˆ?to develop the necessary accomplishments to turn up and form information about the mark civilization aˆ?to stimulate pupils ‘ rational wonder about the mark civilization, and to promote empathy towards its people So, I think by utilizing these of import points, the pupils gain an of import end that may take them to be better in future.Specifying a cultural course of study:After reexamining some paper, all of them explains about an of import point which is that, cultural course of study. So, I feel it is better to advert here about that.The cultural course of study can be defined and classified utilizing different classs such as subjects, subject countries, and component of civilization and so on. Subjects for learning civilization: The easiest manner to plan a cultural course of study is to roll up a list of subjects that are thought to be of import for or of involvement to pupil. Brooks ( 1986:124-128 ) represented his list including 62 subjects. For illustration music, repasts, medical specialty, festivals, avocations, athleticss, callings etc. However, I think, he claims that such a list is in no manner thorough and stesses that the scholars ‘ age and demands should be considered. Chastain ( 1988:303-304 ) likewise to Brooks claims that pupils can add subjects with which they want to go familiar. In his list there are 37 subjects, including household, place, money, faith, vacation, apparels, good manners and non-verbal communicating. Chosen subjects can be grouped in to countries or classs. Stern ( 1992:219-222 ) emphasizes six classs which an mean linguistic communication scholar is likely to necessitate topographic points, single individuals and manner of life, people and society in general, history, establishments and, fainally art, music, literature and other accomplishments. In syllabus design Stern suggests that instructors should do a pick of a peculiar state where the linguistic communication is spoken. Hasselgreen ( 2003:47-52 ) suggests a list of classs. These classs are based on pupil ‘ essay and hence, see their involvements. The subjects are centered on scholars ‘ intercultural abilities. These are: the ability of get bying with day-to-day life activities, traditions and populating conditions, the ability to cover with societal conventions, assurance with the values, beliefs and attitudes of the foreign linguistic communication users, the ability to utilize verbal communicating agencies and in conclusion, the ability to utilize non-verbal linguistic communication ( e.g. , body linguistic communication and facial looks ) .Wayss of Teaching Culture:Authenticity of stuff: These experiences are valuable for cultural understanding merely in so far as the duologue or dramatic reading dependably reflects behaviour in the mark civilization. Some text editions begin with duologues which reflect common, mundane experience of the pupils in their native civilization, on the rules that they will non happen this confusing since they recognize a familiar state of affairs behind the unusual signifiers. ( Wilga M.1981:327 ) Displaies, postings, bulletin boards, maps and realia can make a ocular and touchable presence of the other clture.students can besides do civilization wall charts which Hughes calls this technique the cultural island. Using reliable beginnings from the native address community helps to prosecute pupils in reliable cultural experiences. Furthermore ; there are many attacks which are utile for instructors in order to assist them to learn the 2nd civilization efficaciously. The cultural aside is likely the most widely used attack to the instruction of civilization.A cultural aside is an unplanned, brief civilization remark. During the category, the instructor normally takes advantage of relevant subjects as they arise to give the pupils spots of cultural information. For illustration if the pupils have the word java, the instructor can distinguish between the java rummy in their state and that of the 2nd civilization and where and when people usually drink coffee. ( Chastain,1988:309 ) . Nostrand ( 1974:298 ) calls the technique an incidental remark. I think this technique can be utile for pupils. Another technique is slice-life which foremost suggested by Taylor in 1972 ; besides offered by Chastain in 1988 and Stern in 1992 is a technique when the instructor chooses a little section of life from the 2nd civilization that is presented to the pupils at the beginning or terminal of the category period. ( Taylor 1972 ) . The cultural learner is a brief description of a critical incident of cross-cultural interaction that may be misinterpreted by pupils. ( Henrichsen, 1998 ) .Cultural learners were originally designed for fixing Peace Corp voluntaries for life in a foreign environment. ( Austere 1992:223 ) . The civilization Capsule is besides used to learn civilization. It is a brief description of one facet of the 2nd civilization followed by a treatment of the contrasts between the civilizations of the first and 2nd linguistic communications ( Chastain 1988:310 ) The typical behaviour of a talker of the linguistic communication in a specific state of affairs is analyzed into constituent parts about which the pupils are informed in several civilization capsules. These capsules are classroom presentations of the constituents of the behaviour through the screening of images or through action with any necessary cultural objects. Subsequently, the pupils act out a scene into which is integrated what they have learned in the capsules. ( Wilga, 1981:329 ) . Some instructors use mini play to assist pupils visualise civilization content. Harmonizing to Chastain ( 1988 ) in this attack pupils incorporate the civilization being learned into their actions as they perform in selected state of affairss. See lye ( 1993:71 ) stresses that the instructor has to set up a non-judgment ambiance during the treatment. It is besides of import for the instructor to utilize the right inquiries. Another technique for learning civilization is self-awareness technique. It serves to raise to consciousness those basic beliefs that govern their values, attitudes, and actions and to enable pupils to get down to understand the function of civilization in society and in single lives. Teachers may utilize sensitiveness exercising, self-assessment questionnaires, job resolution, profiles of personal attitudes, checklists of value orientations, or listening to the sentiments of others as a agency of increasing their consciousness of their ain cultural orientation ( Damen, 1987 ) . Chastain claims that the manner people use the 2nd linguistic communication to show themselves reflects the manner they organize world and instructors can research the linguistic communication and civilization connexions that occur in category. Film and telecasting sections offer pupils an chance to witness behaviours that are non obvious in texts. Film is frequently one of the more current and comprehensive ways to encapsulate the expression, feel, and beat of a civilization. Film besides connects pupils with linguistic communication and cultural issues at the same time ( Stephens, 2001 ) , such as picturing colloquial timing or turn-taking in conversation. Harmonizing to Wilga ( 1981 ) vocals, dances, images, advertizements utilizing the Bulletin Board, intelligence, are besides utile activities which help instructors to learn civilization in category. So by utilizing these techniques, the scholars who are immigrants and travel into another state, can ease their capabality in order to go familiar with civilization of another state. After a piece, their socail individuality will determine their personality, so these two of import factors can be matched through utilizing these techniques.Decision:Here, I want to reason some subdivision. As an of import point, the thought of teaching civilization is nil new to 2nd linguistic communication instructors. In many instances, learning civilization has meant concentrating a few lessons on vacations, customary vesture, common people vocals, and nutrient. While these subjects may be utile, without a broader context or frame they offer small in the manner of enriching lingual or societal insight-es pecially if a end of linguistic communication direction is to enable pupils to work efficaciously in another linguistic communication and society. After reading some documents, if I want to look critically to this point, understanding the cultural context of daily colloquial conventions such as salutations, farewells, signifiers of reference, thanking, doing petitions, and giving or having regards means more than merely being able to bring forth grammatical sentences. I think it means cognizing what is appropriate to state to whom, and in what state of affairss, and it means understanding the beliefs and values represented by the assorted signifiers and uses of the linguistic communication. Culture must be to the full incorporated as a critical constituent of linguistic communication acquisition. Second linguistic communication instructors should place cardinal cultural points in every facet of the linguistic communication that they teach. Students can be successful in talking a 2nd linguistic communication merely if cultural issues are an built-in portion of the course of study. And the last point is that, Acculturation should be achieved as integrating, which means that both ain civilization and host civilization are seen as possessing value as themselves. Acculturation and societal individuality so are closely connected to each other.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Virtual Reality In Theatre Spaces

This dissertation will explore the effects of virtual reality in theatre spaces and how it effects people's perception and experience about space and how the technology has advanced in past years.With the advancements in technology,the experience in theatre spaces has become hyper real thereby allowing people to perceive spaces in a different way. The concept of virtual reality can be introduced in film festivals by assessing the possible effects and influences that the VR might have on people and movie experiences.This dissertation will also focus on how the movie experience changes by immersing yourself in the movie cutting you off from the people and surrounding,there by understanding the problems and challenges faced by people using surveys and questionnaires.INTRODUCTIONVirtual Reality is the computer-generated simulation of a three dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.The technological advancements today have led to various explorations in different fields. The various VR systems available today areOculus RiftHTC'S VR system with controllersSamsung gear VRGoogle cardboardTreadmill and haptic glovesVR movie watching is a 360 degree immersive experience where the viewer is at the center of action.As a scene unfolds,viewer has the choice to look in whichever direction he wants and become absorbed in whatever part of the action they choose.In VR cinemas, talking part is designed to be more about the technology and experience rather than the movie.When we watch movies,the action/reaction happens only within the narrative,but VR systems are considered to be linking human intelligence with artificial intelligence thereby engaging the audience.RESEARCH PROBLEMHow does introducing virtual reality in theatre spaces change the perception of movie experience and affect the psychology of people and what are the outcomes? AIM : The aim of this research is to study the incorporation of virtual reality spaces in theatre complex and to study the impact on people's behaviour and how they experience the space. The main idea is also to study on different VR technologies and the application of it in theatre spaces and to understand how virtual reality helps in improving the movie experiences by making it hyper real. OBJECTIVES:The main objective of this research is to understand how people perceive such environments and how people cope up with the change in the viewing atmosphere of a movie theatre.To study how the implementation of Virtual Reality technology in theater spaces will have its own reflections on theater design.To understand how the technological advancements have helped in improving the cinematic experience.SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS:This research will be limited to :Exploration of different virtual reality systems and the scope of it in future.Exploration of proposals of virtual realityUnderstanding the limitations and challenges of using VR in moviesUnderstanding the psychological impact of VR on people .The study will not be focusing on :Design guidelinesPrimary CasestudiesDATA COLLECTION : HISTORY AND EVOLUTION: Pictures have been used as a medium of communication for thousand years.But the canvas and techniques for drawing them have changed radically. Modern computer graphics have provided for many years,the newest and potentially most expressive media for pictoral communication . Improvements in the power and accessibility of interactive 3D graphic system have recently added a new dimension. By sensing the position and orientation of the human head and coupling the resulting data into a high performance computer graphics system,it is possible to generate a computer synthesized view of a virtual world wherever the user is looking.This is known as VR. CHALLENGES :Virtual Reality is a new concept in cinematic field. While the whole concept of the film festival is to bring people together for screening the movies,introducing virtual reality in the theatre could be a challenging aspect as different people might have different opinion on the concept of virtual reality. The only way to watch a VR film is to put on a headset—imagine a padded scuba-diving mask and a pair of headphones—which cuts you off from everyone and everything around you. In some ways, VR films are the opposite of what film festivals stand for.  The dissertation will focus on exploring more about the possibilities of improving the movie experiences with and without VR technology. It could be argued that in the future the participation might lower to individual contribution rather than a group involvement. Early VR headsets made some users feel nauseous. â€Å"The stereotype of virtul reality is an isolated person sitting alone in a room,their head sealed with a helme.Tribeca immersive programming at the tribeca film festival tries to make VR more tangible and social experience † PROPOSALS FOR VR :The global VR market ,which was valued at about $2 billion last year is expected to reach approximately $27 billion by 2022. Virtual reality isn't just for gaming anymore. VR movies are becoming mainstream with several Hollywood A-list directors jumping on board with a new approach to storytelling. Virtual Reality cities – Hypatia by Timefire media Virtual reality social networking – Vtime by Starship group. Virtual Reality tours by Chernobyl vrVirtual Reality research by Visualization laboratory. Architecture by Iris Vr. † A prominent project – Hero allows users to move around freely in a simulated syrian neighbourhood.† RESEARCH PAPER AUTHOR SUMMARYFusion of reality and virtual reality Narin SappakitThe research paper mainly focuses on how digital technology can be implemented between film and architecture.As walls and skin of the building can now become screens, changing the way the building relates and interacts to its context and the way people experience space.How does virtual reality influence cinema ? Exploring a possible future of cinematic environment by Benan DemirThe paper focuses on the new technology of virtual reality on the cinema and how the two may collaborate and converge. It also explores on the existing virtual cinema products and argue how they might converge in futureVirtual Reality in Theatre spaces Sherouk Mohamed Shehab El Din Saad Bad The paper focuses on two aspects.Traditional theatre spaces and virtual reality and its impact in theatre spaces.The study is based on creating virtual reality spaces with unlimited design creativity for entertainment and education by using dif ferent VR systems.Also by adding new architecture approaches to form spaces that can highly implement Virtual Reality TechnologyWhy virtual reality will change the design forever? Article by Mark Wilson Discusses about the various reasons and the positive sides of vr technologyTribeca film festivalHow virtual reality is changing the way we experience stage shows?Virtual Reality Movies: VR revolution Article Gabriel ElizondoArticle by The Conversation blog.The wall street journal Talks about how Tribeca Film Festival for the first time, showcases a theatre constructed for cinema-goers to fully experience films in 360 degrees. Discusses about the development f VR in recent years. When virtual reality is used interactively it opens up whole new worlds to be explored. The traditional relationship between space-actor-spectator becomes a space-spectator relationship. The audience is no longer in a passive role. Dramatic action is substituted by a real action, and how it plays out is shaped by the spectators. Talks about how Hollywood is Changing with Vr technology. Viewing VR is starkly different than watching a traditional film: With conventional movies, the director dictates your focus of attention. An aerial view cuts to a medium shot cuts to a close up—giving you no say in what you see. But virtual reality puts you in charge. The headset allows you to observe any aspect of a setting and, in some cases, even affect the way the story unfolds depending on where you look. Advancement of VR in marketing and investment – a digital survey report: â€Å"With investment in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) on the rise, the results of a new survey by global law firm Perkins Coie LLP depict a growing industry that is moving to a greater focus on more practical applications, while facing concerns reflective of an expanding customer base. The survey of startup founders, technology company executives, investors and consultants, released in March 2018, follows the firm's inaugural AR/VR Surveyreleased in September 2016. † Biggest obstacle for mass adoption of VR technology Literature survey anaysis :Industry insights to the future of VR Gaming was considered as the sector they expected to attract the most investment for the Coming year but wasn't strong in 2018.with military,movies,among the areas making gains. Most of the respondents said that user experience was the top obstacle for VR because of Heavy headgears cost being the second biggest obstacle . The drop for movies and television could stem from a belief that shorter experiences work better VR. But the drop for live events and the annuncements including the October 2017 announcement that Facebook would use Oculus technology to allow its users to watch live concerts and sports with friends from around the world. â€Å"Overall, the survey shows that those in the industry have strong confidence in the potential of AR and VR. One respondent called this era a formative and experimental phase—one that will create significant rewards for both developers and players in the not-too-distant future.† SURVEY REPORT – QUESTIONNAIRE In a survey conducted among 20 people around 10 people have experienced VR more than 4 times. As the technology is advancing VR people are getting more Familiar with the devices used hence contributing to the Growth of VR industry. According to the survey, only 5% of 20 people haven't come across the devices used.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Management Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management Development - Essay Example Planning is the foundation of all other management functions. The manager as planner assesses the present position of the company and allocates various steps to improve the company’s position in the future. Further, the manager locates the resources necessary to achieve the organization’s objectives. 1 Leadership involves effective communication skills, decision-making skills, planning and implementation, intelligence, and last but not least, influence. A manager, as a leader, needs to motivate employees to perform at their optimum level. In addition, leading entails having a vision and guiding the employees to fulfill this vision through effective communication. Organizing which comprise creating a structure for both the oral and written plans to be accomplished is yet another critical function. The manager delegates the various responsibilities and subtasks to the competent employees. What is more, managers address the important dimension of implementation of the various plans which are formulated. Finally, controlling involves monitoring the implementation of the plans and the various activities in order to ensure that the goals of the company are achieved. As controller, the manager handles conflict and controls any problems which may occur in the day to day running of the organization. Henry Mintzberg (1980) identified three categories of roles of a manager namely interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles. The interpersonal roles of the manager comprise the figurehead, leader and liaison. The informational roles include monitor, disseminator and spokesman. The decisional roles involve entrepreneur, disturbance handler, negotiator and resource allocator. The four areas of management in which I would like to improve are the manger as a leader, the manager as an organizer, the manager as a decision-maker and the manager as a planner. These four areas are critical to my role as a manager. Firstly, a manager who is unable to lead

Friday, September 27, 2019

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enterprise Rent-A-Car - Assignment Example Avis and Hertz have been the major competitors of Enterprise in the car hire industry in the United States. However,they have majored on airport business. In 2002 hertz was the number one airport car rental brand in the United States followed by Avis (Kellogg school of Management, 9). At this time, enterprise was involved largely in local rental market and was rated top in this sector. Due to customer demand enterprise started airport business in 2002 and up to 2012 there have been ranked top seven years consecutively and thus expressing the command of the company in the industry. I would recommend the other companies to replicate them to match their success. However, they would need to implement the strategies used by Enterprise. Zipcarwas the first car sharing service provider and it dominated the market making super-normal profits before other companies such as Hertz and Enterprise joined .The reliability of this system has brought high competition in the industry . This has led to a drift of customers from car hiring and leasing to car sharing and thus reducing profits of Enterprise. They need to work go an extra mile and market themselves in car sharing or even introduce a better service than this. The growth and popularity of Zipcar is likely to reduce the profits of Enterprise since most universities and corporations have adopted this style of transport to ease traffic congestion and to reduce on costs of leasing and car maintenance.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Development of mathematical model to calculate fuel consumption of Essay

Development of mathematical model to calculate fuel consumption of passenger cars - Essay Example The NEDC was simulated under laboratory conditions, and driving parameters together with the fuel consumption were measured. A few driving phases were identified so that any drive cycle may be composed by these phases; and mathematical relationships have been fitted on measured data for each of the phases. The world population is 6.5 billion at the moment and rising. Climate change has caused widespread greenhouse effects like global warming, higher acid levels in oceans and reduced ice cover at the poles (Harrabin, 2013). The major causes of greenhouse effect are the by-products of industrialization, and especially carbon dioxide (Samimi & Zarinabadi, 2011). The level of carbon dioxide, the main constituent of emission by vehicles, is linked to consumption of fuel by the vehicle. Due to this there is need to regulate the amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere and this is effective by fuel economy. The fuel economy (FE) of any vehicle can be calculated as a r atio of distance travelled per unit volume of fuel consumed or as the ratio of fuel consumption per distance travelled (GFEI, 2013). Fuel economy standards can be of various forms such as litres of fuel consumed per hundred kilometres of distance travelled or distance travelled per unit volume of vehicle fuel (An, et al., 2011, p. 4). The regulations pertaining to fuel economy followed by the four largest automobile markets, namely, the US, the EU, Japan and China differ significantly from each other leading to a lack of global standards on the issue.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

MARKETING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

MARKETING - Assignment Example The aim is to catch the customers directly at the Point of Sale and entice them into impulse buying decisions. Kraft foods chose an alternative media of an in-store kiosk at National Retail Federation Convention in New York. Kraft teamed up with Intel, already a global giant and came up with an electronic kiosk which could help the customers to get recipes according to their facial features. Intel’s technology of Anonymous Video Analytics was capable of gauging the person’s gender and age when he/she would step in front of it. The system would then recommend recipes, suggest the shopping, present future promotional coupons accordingly. For the customers’ convenience, the kiosk also supports mobile applications through which, they can download the giving recipes and shopping lists in their iPhones. Works Cited Krafft, Manfred, and Murali K. Mantrala.  Retailing in the 21st Century: Current and Future Trends. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & C o. KG, 2006. Print. Agathou, Amalia. Intel and Kraft take food shopping to the next level. Amalia Agathou 2011. Internet Resource.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Database Logic and Management questions Module 2 Article

Database Logic and Management questions Module 2 - Article Example However, we still need a logical design for the reason that building a physical design without logical design is similar to building a house without blueprints. In fact, the basic purpose of building a logical database design is to ensure that all the entities and their possible relationships required by the database are entirely and exactly identified and described. In view of the fact that logical database design is built using easy to understand symbol and language, hence it can be easily examined and validated as accurate by the end-users. As discussed above, this logical database design works as a guide that is to be followed by the database developers to use as a "blueprint" for developing the physical database model. In this scenario, the information provided in the logical database model is utilized to describe the relational tables, entities, stored procedures, primary and foreign keys, and triggers (Liberty University, 2013). In the past few years, the use of information systems in the healthcare industry has raised to a huge extent. In this scenario, organizing and administrating healthcare resources has turned out to be a challenge in opposition to time, for the reason that having control over the expansion of the disease is now as significant as treating it. Additionally, computerization and automation of clinical firms through information systems containing large databases offers a large number of benefits. In addition, in many researches authors have emphasized on the need to be aware of the situational aspects that force individuals’ comfort with receiving and distributing healthcare information in an electronic arrangement. In this scenario, one suggestion is to investigate severer rule of medical information, for instance, to make sure that stakeholders evidently recognize who they are, for what reason they will collect and distribute the data, what kind of data they will take and even to pose any limitations and restrictions

Monday, September 23, 2019

Operations in the News Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Operations in the News - Research Paper Example For example, top law firms target the rich and large co-operations. The type of service delivered is different. According to Ayers (1), if people want top class service, then they should be willing to pay dearly. Some firms insist on feedback after service delivery and even check on their customers to see how well they are moving on. This sentimental approach creates a good rapport between the consumer and the company. Firms ensure that their products and services are delivered in time (Gillette 1). When their products are delivered in time it shows that they are reliable. It is a clear indication that they are dedicated to serving the consumers. Also, firms that offer services make sure that their employees uphold high discipline standards (Gillette 1). This is in order to ensure that their clients are treated with the respect they deserve. Good employees who display a high level of etiquette create a good working environment, and clients can recommend the services of the firm to their friends and family. This plays out as a leading strategy of marketing as people tend to believe their fellow family members and friends (Gillette 1). Firms also try as much as possible to uphold a good track record and avoid scandals as much as possible. Scandals tarnish the name of the firm and the outcome a disaster. Not only do clients fall back, but also investors to (Miles and Bennett 1). This is merely by the fact that no individual would like to be associated with unlawful acts. So maintaining a good track record helps to keep clients. Firms have different competitive strategies depending on what their core business is. Though different, they relate to each other in an impeccable manner. For example, the use of social media to market products has been taken up by many firms (Miles and Bennett 1). This is because of the emerging trends in the market whereby about 60% of the consumers use social

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Missing Link Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Missing Link - Essay Example ################################################################################################################################################################################################# A###########0####V### ############ ############ ## D####-### ###0####K### ###L#e#x#m#a#r#k# #X#1#1#0#0# #S#e#r#i#e#s##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################P#X#,#.#.#,#P#X#0#################################################################################################################################################################(###9#### ###Z#####6#T#... #####0####:i###+00#3|#x#########################U##### ##############################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4###################L#e#v#e#l# #5########################################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4###################L#e#v#e#l# #5########################################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4###################L#e#v#e#l# #5########################################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4###################L#e#v#e#l# #5########################################################L#e#v#e#l# #1###################L#e#v#e#l# #2###################L#e#v#e#l# #3###################L#e#v#e#l# #4 ###################L#e#v#e#l#

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics Essay Example for Free

Basic Statistics for Business and Economics Essay Over the last four weeks of being in the QNT/351 course our team has learned a lot about researching a hypothesis and understanding the mean. The hypothesis testing begins with the statement and the assumption that determines the population of the mean, (Lind, 2011, p.288.). There are five steps taken which include; state the hypothesis, select level of significance for it, identify the test statistics, formulate decision rule, and take a sample to arrive at a decision. On the contrary, however, McClave, 2011 states that there are seven steps including; null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis, test statistic, rejection region, assumptions, experiment and calculation of test statistic, and the conclusion. With setting a hypothesis and testing it is important to understand the mean and how to compare it amongst two or more groups. With testing the mean with multiple groups, the data collected is used to help determine the probability of a given amongst two distinct groups being analyzed which have the same or equal variances. This info it all based off the given hypothesis and should result in proving the null hypothesis stated. When looking at the mean the distance noted between the hypothesis and the mean placed is a value given as a result of the probability of occurrence. When analyzing and testing the means of the two groups we use the variance analysis. An example of this type would be testing the means of the two groups based off statistical models and valid conclusions. Along with completing the testing of the means of the groups, we must also calculate the variance according to the distribution of the differences in means. If the standard deviation is known we can calculate the z-score by using the difference of the variance and the mean. In calculating the correlation between the two variables we see that it is crucial to know the characteristics of the coefficient. According to Lind, 2011 pages 386-389 we can calculate the coefficient of correlation. The coefficient of correlation can help dete rmine the cause as well as effect amongst the two variables. Calculating these numbers is  crucial as the results give information which help determine the level of significance of the given hypothesis. References Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., Wathen, S. A. (2011). Basic Statistics for Business and Economics (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. McClave, J. T., Benson, P. G., Sincich, T. (2011). Statistics for Business and Economics (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Major Challenges Facing Youth In Developing Economies Economics Essay

Major Challenges Facing Youth In Developing Economies Economics Essay ABSTRACT The challenge of keeping youths engaged meaningfully has been a major concern of governments in the developing nations. This paper x-rays the major challenges facing youths apart from unemployment. These include but not limited to inequality, corruption, poverty, cultism, human trafficking, emigration, drug addiction and trafficking as well as (HIV/AIDS) endemic. The authors stressed the need to encourage youths to engage in entrepreneurship undertakings and further highlighted the benefits of youth self reliant such as development of entrepreneurial and managerial skills, evenly distribution of national wealth, exploitation of untapped industrial opportunities, moderation of rural-urban migration, high value added to the economy, promotion of indigenous technology, and improvement in balance of trade. Hence, the authors recommended institutional support for youth self reliance; inclusion of entrepreneurship studies in high school and undergraduate curricula; tax incentives to young entrepreneurs; and financing of sporting activities to check social vices among youth. Key words: Youth;; Self Reliance Programmes; Unemployment ; Developing Economy 1.0 Introduction According to the projection of the United Nations Population Division (UNDP, 1993), currently young people between ages 15-24 constitute 18 percent of worlds population at 1.1 billion and the world is very close to reach the peak of historically highest youth population (Lam, 2007). These young people, across the globe, especially in developing countries, where the population density and growth is also highest, face unprecedented challenges in their capacity to access public resources and family resources, stemmed from waves of cultural and economic globalization. Most critical issues for youth development are poverty, health practices, gender biases, education, employment, social responsibilities and good citizenship, juvenile delinquency etc (World Youth Report, 2003). Demand of skilled workers in the knowledge economy has created hindrance for a large portion of world youth, especially in developing countries, where higher education system has not been able to realize sufficient value addition in terms of enhancing the employability in the new age labor market. A staggering 400 million young people around the world are unable to find decent work. Worthy of note is that, todays youth find themselves in an era, where for the first time in the modern civilization, purely economic value of higher education has reached an unprecedented low proportion. Shariff (1998) observed that adults engaged in self employment more than the youth, especially in developed countries. This is notable in countries whose economic growth rate is slow or stagnant. He observed further that self employment is much more appreciated among Sub-Sahara African than in other countries of the world. The youth are a major source of human capital and key agents for socio cultural, economic, and political development as well as technological innovation worldwide. Their imaginations, ideas, energies and visions are essential for the continuing development of societies. Their training, development, intellectual perspectives and productive abilities are key determinants of the progress and future of societies. To capture the significance of youth in the economic development process, Central Bank of Nigerias governor notes in 2011 that the current economic development efforts will not amount to anything if the youth who are the real economic agent are not part of the economic transformation. He notes further that robust economic growth will only be achieved if the youth are adequately empowered, which is the only path to sustainable economic development. 2.0 Conceptual clarification 2.1 Youth. There is hardly any universally acceptable definition of youth. Youthfulness need not be exclusively determined by age. Other factors, like economic, cultural and environmental conditions may be equally important in defining youth. The continuing debate on who is a youth has not resolved the confusion surrounding the concept. In many African countries, laws define adulthood as commencing from age of 21, although recently, there have been attempts to lower the age to 18 years (Curtain, 2000). Sociologically, youth denotes an interface between childhood and adulthood. Youth, as a social group are defined in terms of age. Hence, the majority of youth has been variously defined as ranging from the ages of 10-11 years to 35 years. The United Nations Organisation (UNO) has come up with a specification of age bracket 15-24 years as youth, while the Commonwealth uses the age category of 15-29 years. For the purpose of this paper, youth is defined as young women and men who fall wi thin the age bracket of 15 35 years. Furthermore, anyone who is acknowledged by deed as identifying with and committed to youth development may be recognised as youth. It has been recognised the world over that youth constitute the most important human resource potential that can contribute significantly to the overall development of a nation. The youth constitute the driving force of society, the spirit of today and the hope for the future. In addition, youth constitute the largest segment, they are also the most socially active and productive sector. The educational system has not adequately equipped young people with the relevant skills, knowledge and cultural values needed to face the challenges of after school life. As a result, young people cannot find placement in the white-collar job market; neither are they able to create economic opportunities for themselves in the informal sector. There is therefore the need to relate the educational system to the job market. United Nations Organisation (1995: 11) therefore notes in that: Young people in all countries are both a major human resource for development and key agents for social change, economic development and technological innovation. Their imaginations, ideas, considerable energies and visions are essential for the continuing development of the societies in which they live. The problems that young people face as well as their visions and aspirations are essential components of the challenges and prospects of todays societies and future generations Mobilizing the creativity and passion of young men and women, and recognizing the unique perspective of youth on their current and future needs are quickly becoming national and international priorities. Globally, youth are eager to contribute their quota through investment of their energies in the socio-economic development of the societies. In addition, they desire to be absorbed into socio-economic system in order to change the old order. In terms of sheer numbers, youth represent a significant portion of the global community. Today, approximately 20 per cent of the worlds population is in the 15 to 24 age group, and in many developing countries this group will soon constitute 50 per cent of the population. In addition, 60 per cent of the worlds youth population, or over 600 million young people, reside in the Asia-Pacific region (Kenyon, 1998). Linked directly to these figures is the growing recognition of the importance of youth development at both the national, regional and international levels. Youth constitute a unique group within society. While they are often considered one of the most vulnerable groups within the social fabric, they are also regarded as the greatest source of hope for the nations future. Youth represent a significant portion of the worlds population: it is estimated that the global youth population in 1995 was over 1 billion and comprised 18 per cent of the worlds population, of whom 84 per cent lived in developing countries. Those under the age of 30 could form as much as 55 per cent of the worlds population by the year 2005. In the least-developed countries of the world, the figure is closer to 70 per cent. (Kenyon, 1998) 2.2 Self Reliance. The concept of self reliance is located centrally within the discourse of community development and is connected to related concepts like self-help, independence, mutual-help, indigenous participation and rural development. It advocates the need for people to improve their condition using local initiatives and resources in their own hands. The concept is fast being accepted as a new formula for community development because of its widespread acceptance in the development planning of most African countries. The concept of self-reliance has the tendency to give greater stimulus and cohesiveness to community development in these countries (Anyanwu, 1992). According Fonchingong Fonjong (2003), self-reliance is situated within the discourse of community development and is connected to related concepts like self-help, mutual help, indigenous participation and rural development. It champions the need for people to better their lots using local strategies and resources at their disposal. The definition assumes that youth use the resources at their disposal to proffer solutions to the challenges peculiar to their group and confronting them persistently. They also want to realize their dreams and be at the fore front of developing the communities. Anyanwu (1992) contends that in most African countries, community development has depended significantly on voluntary cooperative efforts. This follows a traditional trait that clearly underscores the virtue of self-reliance. This explains the emerging trend in community development, which sees it as an important point of take-off for better living. The emphasis is to involve groups of people in planned programmes from which they may gain skills that will enable them to cope more successfully with the problems of their everyday lives. Self-reliance is thus development on the basis of a countrys (regions) own resources, involving its populations based on the potentials of its cultural values and traditions (Galtung, 1980). Communities and individual people define their own development according to their own needs, values and aspirations (Preiswerk, 1980). Local-level development provides a major force in activating the utilization of local resources (land, water, labour) and therefore constitutes one of the most effective methods of promoting peoples participation in determining their own development. The needs for local alternatives and self-reliance have been voiced in more explicit terms by other scholars. For example, Brett (1988) has called for cooperative and voluntary alternatives, while Sandbrook (1985) has emphasized the need for small-scale community solutions. In its fundamental sense, self-reliance is defined as a state of mind that regards ones own mental and material resources as the primary stock to draw on in the pursuit of ones objectives, and finds emotional fulfillment not only in achieving the objectives but of having achieved them primarily by using ones own resources. 2.3 Unemployment. Unemployment is a social issue that every nation deals with regularly. Even the most advanced economies still battle with the issue of unemployment. In fact the classical economists averred that there can never be a situation of total employment in any economy. However, responsible governments must strive at all times to keep unemployment rate as low as possible. According to Fajana (2000), unemployment is a state of worklessness/idleness experienced by persons who as members of the labour force perceive themselves are perceived by others as capable of work. Unemployment is a situation where those who are willing and able to work cannot find full employment or even if it is partial employment. The unemployment situation in Nigeria is unsettling. Statistic shows that almost 75% of those who are able and willing to work cannot find gainful employment, especially among young graduate/school leavers. Fajana (2000) categorizes unemployment into six namely structural, frictional, seasonal, cyclical, residual, and technological. Types of Unemployment S/N Name Cause 1. Structural This occurs when there is a change in the structure of an industry or economic activities of the country. Change in taste, change in technology, change in demand are some of the types of changes that may occur. It is mostly found in Asia and Africa. In other words, it occurs due to mismatch between the demand for labour and the ability of the workers. 2. Frictional The unemployed may remain so on account of shortage of raw materials, or mechanical defects in working plants. Therefore, the better the economy is doing, the lower the chances of this type of unemployment occurring. 3. Seasonal This is due to seasonal variations in the activities of particular industries caused by climatic changes, changes in fashions or by the inherent nature of such industries. In the tropical region, ice factories are less active in rainy season because of low demand for ice. 4. Cyclical This is otherwise known as Keynesian unemployment or demand deficient unemployment which is due to the operation of the business cycle. This arises at a time when the aggregate effective commodity demand falls below the full employment level of output. 5. Residual This is caused by personal factors such as old age, physical or mental disability, poor work attitudes and inadequate training. 6. Technological This is caused by changes in techniques of production. Source: Fajana, S. (2000) Functioning of Nigerian Labour Market, Lagos: Labofin and company 3.0 Major Challenges facing Youth in developing economies The declining growth and economic restructuring has worsened the employment situation among the youth in most of the developing countries and most especially in Africa. Youth unemployment has increasingly come to be as one of the most serious socio-economic problems currently confronting many developing countries. It is difficult to provide accurate statistics of youth unemployment in developing countries in general and Africa in particular, as available estimates of world unemployment face the conceptual limitation. Nonetheless, existing estimates indicate that in Sub-Saharan Africa, urban unemployment affects between 15 to 20 percent of the workforce (ILO, 2005). According to this estimates, young people comprise 40 to 75 percent of the total number of unemployed. Source: National Bureau of Statistics (2010) According to Awogbenle and Iwuamadi (2010), the statistics from the Manpower Board and the Federal Bureau of Statistics showed that Nigeria has a youth population of 80 million, representing 60% of the total population of the country. Also, 64 million of them are unemployed, while 1.6 million are under-employed. The 1990-2000 data on youth unemployment indicated that secondary school graduates constituted the largest group of the unemployed. There is also 40% of the unemployment rate is among urban youth aged 20 24 and 31% of the rate is among those aged 15-19. Furthermore, two-thirds of the urban unemployed are ranged from 15-24 years old. Curiously, the educated unemployed tended to be young males with few dependents. Awogbenle and Iwuandi also observed that that there is no consistent trend of  unemployment rates in Nigeria. An increase in one or two years is sometimes followed by a decline in the subsequent years. Table 1: Nigeria Unemployment Rates by Age Group and Sex S/N Age Group Unemployment Rate 1. 15-24 41.6 2. 25-44 17 3. 45-49 11.5 4. 60-64 16.7 Gender Analysis 1. Male 17 2. Female 23.3 Source: Ruhl, O. (2009) Nigerias Youth: Turning Challenge into Opportunity. World Bank Statistics on Youth Unemployment, March, 2009. Table 2: Table Youth Unemployment Rate in Nigeria 2000-2011 S/N Year Rate 1. 2000 31.1 2. 2001 13.6 3. 2002 12.6 4. 2003 14.8 5. 2004 13.4 6. 2005 11.9 7. 2006 13.7 8. 2007 14.6 9. 2008 14.9 10. 2009 19.7 11. 2010 41.6 12. 2011 23.9 Source: National Bureau of Statistics (2011) According to Abdullahi (2012), the Nigerian Minister of Sports, out of Nigerias 150 million population, 40 million are unemployed. As 45% of the population is between the ages of 15 to 40 years, this means unemployment mainly affects the youth. He revealed that the alarming situation has socio-economic implications considering the fact that Nigeria has 45% of the jobless population are between the ages of 15-40 years and due to the extremely low life expectancy of 45 years, only 3% of Nigerians manage to reach the ages of 60 and above. Nigerian youth are therefore the hardest hit by the menace of unemployment. Hence, the increase rate of kidnapping, youth unrest and most significantly, an extremely unstable social economic structure that has hitherto been bedeviling Nigeria. The percentage of unemployed labour force is disheartening not to mention rate of unemployment among youth. Apart from the figures released early this year by the National Bureau of Statistics, which puts unemployment rate in 2011 at 29.3 per cent, the situation has over the years grown from bad to worse. From 2000 until 2011, the unemployment rate averaged 18.82 per cent, reaching an all time high of 23.90 per cent in December of 2011 representing about 20.3 million Nigerian youth who are currently unemployed. The situation is compounded daily as institutions of higher learning churn out fresh graduates to add to the already saturated labour market. The percentage would have been higher save for the governments efforts to reduce the unemployment rate among graduates from the nations universities through various programmes such as National Directorate of Employment (NDE), National Poverty Alleviation Programme (NAPEP), Youth Enterprise With New   Innovation in Nigeria (YOUWIN) to m ention but a few. Some identifiable factors causing youth unemployment in Nigeria these include but not limited to: Ineffective mechanisms for overcoming the challenges of cyclical and structural youth (18 to 24 years) unemployment in Nigeria and to alleviate poverty at all levels of governance. Going by the 2006 census in Nigeria, the nations population was put at140,431,790 and projections for the future indicate that the population could be over 180 million by the year 2020,given the annual growth rate of 3.2 percent (National Population Commission and ICF Macro, 2009:3). Rapid population growth is another major factor causing youth unemployment. Dysfunctional educational system in curricula-structure does not promote youth entrepreneurship, innovative skills and virile apprenticeship schemes. Instead, most graduates of Nigerian education system lack basic skills with which to enter into labour market. Most graduates leave university with the thinking that they must seek employment in large organisations. Most functionaries in public and private sectors are largely bereft of ideas of blending education, training and learning for resolving youth unemployment menace. This is why most government programmes are yet to achieve the desired results of reducing youth unemployment. Corruption has been the bane of development in Nigeria and it has impacted negatively in the industrialisation process initiated by successive governments. It has attained an endemic level with public office holders paying lip service to its eradication because they are part of the beneficiaries. Poverty of political commitment towards youth empowerment and innovative approaches at local, state and federal levels is another cause of youth unemployment. There are no verifiable statistics of actual labour shortages, employment, under-employment and vacancies analyses that can guide national planning. In addition, in Nigeria loanable funds that youth can draw from to invest are not accessible. Although, government, banks and other financial institutions would tell you that funds are available for entrepreneurship adventure. Accessing the funds has not been easy. Figure 2: Spiraling General  Unemployment  Rate Growing at 16% per year  »Ã‚ ¿ Source: National Bureau of Statistics (2010) Figure 3 : Youth Unemployment 3X General Unemployment Source: National Bureau of Statistics (2010) Apart from the major challenges of unemployment, inequality, corruption, poverty, cultism, human trafficking and emigration are other challenges facing developing economies, Nigeria inclusive. Despite Nigerias decades of development efforts, both the gap between the poor and the rich countries and the inequalities within states and nations have widened. Poverty simply means inadequacy of income to meet such basic needs as food, shelter, clothing, education, healthcare etc. Poverty leads to malnutrition, sickness, illiteracy, unemployment, low status of men and women, immorality, crime, and exposure to environmental risks, limited access to assets, social services, and political power. Unemployment and poverty lead to psychological disorders, depression, despondency, suicides and divorces. While relative poverty causes envy, jealousy and self-depreciation, mass unemployment and persistent poverty which could lead to socio-political unrest and revolution. Thus, unemployment, inequality and poverty have economic, social and political implications. 4.0 Significance of Youth Self Reliance There is an increased concern, nationally and internationally, for youth issues, responsibilities and rights and also widespread consensus on the invaluable role of youth in the development process. Yet youth are invariably victims of exclusion from governance, decision-making and development process, which impact negatively on their desires for self reliance and self realization. The Human Development Report (UNDP, 1993) echoes the need for people to participate in their own development, stressing that peoples participation is becoming the central issue in the face of current challenges facing the world for development. It is now widely accepted that there are many good reasons to promote self reliance among young people. Entrepreneurship undertakings are probably one the most effective means of making youth self reliant. While caution should be exercised so that entrepreneurship is not seen as a panacea for curing all societys social ills, many experts such as Curtain (2000) warn, it has a number of potential benefits. An obvious, and perhaps the most significant one, is that it creates employment for the young person who owns the business. Figure 4: Young working poor in selected countries (Estimates for youth and adult cohorts), in percentage Source: ILO, Global Employment Trends for Youth. Geneva, August, 2010. In addition to the above, youth self reliance (YSR) will achieve the under listed among developing economies. The indigenous entrepreneur and managerial skills needed to transform the economy are developed. Labour intensive industry is boosted by YSR, which helps government to achieve the employment and income distribution objective. Encouragement of youth to be self reliant enhances the exploitation of untapped industrial opportunities. The evenly distribution of wealth and regional economic balance objective of government is enhanced as the menace of rural/urban migration, which exacerbates urban congestion is checked. There is higher value added to the domestic economies thereby checking the dumping of products from developed in developing economies. Indigenous technology is promoted through youth self reliant programmes. The above will definitely improve the balance of trade and payment of the developing economies as well as strengthening the local currency coupled with the benefit of promoting exportation and preventing over reliance on a single commodity to earn foreign exchange. Over dependency on oil revenue has been the bane of industrialization in Nigeria. 5.0 Recommendations Conclusion In line with the above observations, it is recommended that youth entrepreneurship programmes should be made compulsory right from the secondary school. More so, curricula in the higher institutions should be redesigned to capture the current reality of producing job creators and not job seekers. There should also be institutional support for youth entrepreneurship programmes at all tiers of government; local, state, and federal. Cheap funds made available and accessible to interested young entrepreneurs is a necessity for the development of self reliant programmes among youth. Data on youth unemployment are not accessible, if they are available. Many of the policy makers are not equipped with facts and figures. Many a times, they rely on sources that are not reliable in formulating policies and taking decisions relating to youth empowerment. Government institutions should equip to collate data frequently and make them accessible at any point in time. If there are authentic data, planning and paying social security of not less than fifty thousand naira ((#50) should not be difficult considering the amount of financial resources being wasted public office holders. The prevailing harsh economic environment in Nigeria is a disincentive to any interested young entrepreneurs and so should be made conducive as much as possible. For example multiple taxation should be eliminated through the harmonization of tax system in the country. Infrastructure facilities are abysmal failure, especially the electricity around which modern industrialization and developmental strategy revolve. More than enough megawatts of electricity should be generated in the country. The appalling situation of electricity generation has turned many youth to criminals in Nigeria. Motivating youth to acquire technical skills should top the priority of any government, Nigeria not exempted. Apart from free tuition, graduates of technical colleges should be absolved into the government service and or private organisations. Able and willing youth should be encouraged to contribute their quota to national economic development efforts. Security of lives and properties must be guaranteed in Nigeria. Governments efforts to woo foreign investors that will help to ignite the fire of economic revival will not yield any fruits if the issue of security is not addressed. There should be an increased youth and orphans self-reliance, self-discipline, social responsibility and spirit of adventure. Youth should be helped start income generating activities for their livelihoods to reduce dependency syndrome. Involvement of religious organisations in youth self reliance programmes should be encouraged. This is imperative in view of the fact that many of them have excess funds they can use since they do not pay tax. This will be counted as part of their social responsibility efforts to the society. Opportunities to acquire overseas training in form of exchange programmes among regional governments e.g. Economic Commission for West African States (ECOWAS) should be provided for youth after completing skill acquisition course. Suffice it to note that regional integration will be a great impetus for youth in countries which fall the same region. There is no doubt that Nigeria is blessed with abundant human and natural resources. The challenges facing the youth and related issues are very critical because of the emerging trend of youth unemployment, political and religious unrest. Hence, youth self reliant programmes should occupy the front burner of the federal, state, and local governments. Nigeria, arguably the most populous black nation in the world, needs sincere analysis of the current unemployment situation in the country as well as other challenges confronting the youth. The scientific analysis of this menace will lead to honest policy formulation, implementation, and monitoring of youth self reliant programmes which will eventually stem the tide of youth crimes and guarantee the future of the country.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Anna’s Story: Neglect of The Innocent :: Short Story Essays

Anna’s Story: Neglect of The Innocent {Anna turned three years old on November 1st, 2002. We still have gotten no word from Nicole, but my mother seems to think that she is no longer in the state of Tennessee. - S.M, December 2002} Fun, wild, and party loving†¦this all comes to mind when I think of my aunt Nicole. I can’t remember her ever being very responsible, but yet she was my favorite out of my mothers three other sisters. Three years ago, this party girl had a beautiful baby who she named Anna Michelle. Nicole has not seen Anna since she was ten days old. The reason for this is that my baby cousin Anna has been living with my family and I. This is Anna’s story: Anna came into this word like most of the rest of us. She developed inside her mother Nicole’s stomach for nine months, and was successfully delivered on November 1st, 1999 in the Johnson City Medical Center at 4:23am. She was a healthy baby, weighing in at six pounds and 5 ounces, with no defects or sicknesses, and delivery time was a mere five to six hours. Nicole and Anna were doing wonderful, and were allowed to go home that next evening around 8:00. You would think that after nine months of baby planning, Nicole would have everything that a baby would need, like diapers, food, and clothes. But like I said before, Nicole was a true party girl, always living life on the edge and taking the fast road in life, and defiantly never planning for anything, and apparently did nothing of this sort. Nine days later, baby Anna and mommy Nicole were at our front door. Anna had on an old looking nightgown and a dirty bib, and to tell you the truth, her mother Nicole was not looking much better. The diaper bag that Nicole was grasping looker fairly new, but we couldn’t help but notice that it was barley filled. She had only two jars of baby food, and maybe one or two diapers for Anna.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

End-Stage Renal Disease :: essays research papers

This article is for people whose kidneys fail to work. This condition is called end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Today, there are new and better treatments for ESRD that replace the work of healthy kidneys. By learning about your treatment choices, you can work with your doctor to pick the one that's best for you. No matter which type of treatment you choose, there will be some changes in your life. But with the help of your health care team, family, and friends, you may be able to lead a full, active life. This article describes the choices for treatment: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation. It gives the pros and cons of each. It also discusses diet and paying for treatment. It gives tips for working with your doctor, nurses, and others who make up your health care team. It provides a list of groups that offer information and services to kidney patients. It also lists magazines, books, and brochures that you can read for more information about treatment. You and your doctor will work together to choose a treatment that's best for you. This article can help you make that choice. When Your Kidneys Fail Healthy kidneys clean the blood by filtering out extra water and wastes. They also make hormones that keep your bones strong and blood healthy. When both of your kidneys fail, your body holds fluid. Your blood pressure rises. Harmful wastes build up in your body. Your body doesn't make enough red blood cells. When this happens, you need treatment to replace the work of your failed kidneys. Treatment Choice: Hemodialysis Purpose Hemodialysis is a procedure that cleans and filters your blood. It rids your body of harmful wastes and extra salt and fluids. It also controls blood pressure and helps your body keep the proper balance of chemicals such as potassium, sodium, and chloride. How it Works Hemodialysis uses a dialyzer, or special filter, to clean your blood. The dialyzer connects to a machine. During treatment, your blood travels through tubes into the dialyzer. The dialyzer filters out wastes and extra fluids. Then the newly cleaned blood flows through another set of tubes and back into your body. Getting Ready Before your first treatment, an access to your bloodstream must be made. The access provides a way for blood to be carried from your body to the dialysis machine and then back into your body. The access can be internal (inside the body -- usually under your skin) or external (outside the body).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bioethics: Roman Catholicism vs Buddhism

Roman Catholicism and Buddhism are two very different religions. They vary greatly on many aspects of contemporary life issues, such as the environment, personal health and violence. The following essay will contain similarities and differences between Roman Catholicism and Buddhism, focusing on the contemporary issue of Bioethics. The ideas debated will include views on abortion, in vitro fertilization, organ transplantation, euthanasia, contraception and cloning. The Collins Australian Dictionary definition of Bioethics is the study of ethical problems arising from biological research and its applications. Roman Catholicism and Buddhism both have similar views about Abortion. The definition of Abortion reads as an operation or other procedure to terminate pregnancy before the foetus is viable. The Roman Catholic view about abortion is that it is gravely evil at all times. James 2:26 states that the body without the spirit is dead. Since from the moment of conception the human body starts to develop, it is considered to be alive and to then have spirit. This view also ties in with the fifth commandment, Thou Shalt Not Kill. In Buddhism, there is no actual rule on Abortion, but many view it as wrong. Buddhists believe that life should not be destroyed, and believe that causing death is wrong if the death is caused purposely or through carelessness. Traditional Buddhists disapprove of abortion due to the fact that it is deliberately destroying a life. Buddhists also believe that life starts at conception. Some less traditional Buddhists believe that abortion should be permissible if the child is to be severely handicapped as to cause suffering when they are born. The Dalai Lama stated in 1993 stated that abortion, from a Buddhist viewpoint, is an act of killing and is negative, generally speaking. But it depends on the circumstances. He then went on to mention the child being born handicapped or the birth putting the parents into serious problems, that the pregnancy should be stopped. The first of the eight precepts of Buddhism states that the Buddhist will abstain from being harmful to living beings. Hence, to have an abortion is breaking the 8 Precepts of Buddhism, just as it is violating the Ten Commandments in Christianity. Euthanasia is the act of killing someone painlessly, especially to relieve suffering from an incurable illness. Roman Catholics and Buddhists generally have the same view on the way euthanasia is approached in everyday life. Roman Catholics mostly believe that euthanasia is wrong. They mostly base their arguments around the teachings that life is given by God, and that the natural process of death should not be interfered with. Roman Catholics are taught to believe that all life is sacred and that life should be valued no matter to which level of pleasure and well-being the person living such a life is receiving. This means that no person should be purposefully killed, even if they wish to be euthanized. This conclusion can be supported once again with the fifth commandment, Thou Shalt Not Kill. In Buddhist tradition, there is no final answer as to whether euthanasia is morally correct or not, however most Buddhists are against involuntary euthanasia. Their views on voluntary euthanasia are less clear. Most Buddhists are against voluntary euthanasia, as it depicts that the person who is suffering is not at a peaceful state of mind and has let their physical suffering affect their mental state. A problem regarding Buddhism and euthanasia is the factor of reincarnation. In their current form, Buddhists are unaware of what their next life will bring. This means that if Buddhists were to permit euthanasia, it would be practically wrong because it would be shortening ones suffering in this life to be born into a life that could possibly be even worse. Another reason why euthanasia is an issue is because the way that a Buddhist ends one life greatly affects the way they are to start the next. Buddhists are meant to reach a state where their thoughts are free of anger hatred or fear, and should be selfless and enlightened. Voluntary euthanasia is only permitted for those who have reached such a state, and should be avoided by anybody who has not yet reached a sense of enlightenment. The practice of euthanasia is also breaking the first of the 8 precepts of Buddhism, which is abstaining from being harmful to living beings. Consequently, euthanasia is a similarity between Roman Catholicism and Buddhism, because, though at varying degrees of severity, both religions generally disagree with euthanizing a human being. Contraception is another bioethical field in which Roman Catholicism and Buddhism share common grounds. Contraception refers to the intentional prevention of conception by artificial or natural methods. Roman Catholics and Buddhists both accept and reject the use of certain types of contraceptives and the ways that they prevent conception. In the Roman Catholic Church, all uses of contraception other than family planning are looked upon sourly. (Note that the Roman Catholic Church teaches its followers that sexual intercourse should only be present between man and woman who are married to each other to begin with, and so the following views on contraceptives should be viewed in the position of man and wife. The Roman Catholic Church believes that intercourse is an act that was created for couples to procreate, and so any method which prevents such chances is considered to be immoral. If couples wish to engage in intercourse and not conceive a child, they are to do so naturally, in the period that a woman is infertile, that is, the time when a woman isn’t ovulating. As said in Genesis 1:28, man was specially made by God to be fruitful and multiply. This basically says that man was engineered by God to procreate; hence forth contraceptives are directly doing the opposite of what man was created to do. Though, the Roman Catholic Church does not directly condemn contraceptives in themselves, but the use of them to prevent conception. For example, if a woman who is not in a sexual relationship is to use the pill to regulate her cycle it is not wrong in one bit. Buddhism permits the use of contraceptives if that particular method prevents contraception, however it is not acceptable is that certain type of contraception works by stopping the development of a fertilized egg. Buddhists believe that life begins, or a form of consciousness is created as soon as an egg is fertilized. As the Buddhist religion believes that no living being should be harmed, many types of contraceptives are unacceptable, such as the IUD. However, using contraceptives is not against the religion. Although the Buddhist teachings do not condemn intercourse with no desire for conception, the Third Precept teaches that Buddhists will abstain from all sexual practices that are inconvenient. This says that Buddhists seeking enlightenment should not use contraceptives for one’s sexual pleasure. Unlike Roman Catholicism, the Buddhist religion does not regard having children as a religious duty, but the two religions meet in their views on how certain types of contraceptives are acceptable and others are not, with the Roman Catholic views being more strict rather than the more lenient Buddhist views. Though Roman Catholicism and Buddhism can have very similar views on different aspects of Bioethics, the two religions also have very differing viewpoints on other aspects on the issue. One area of Bioethics in which Roman Catholicism and Buddhism do not meet on is the idea of Organ Donation. Organ donation is the act of giving up one’s organs to help others in need of such organs to live. Roman Catholicism encourages organ donation, and it is seen as an act of charity, fraternal love and self-sacrifice. Roman Catholics believe that it is a Christian duty to help others, and so organ donation is praised as it is giving other a chance of life that they may have otherwise not of been given. Pope John Paul 11 spoke of organ donation and stated that there is an everyday heroism, made up of gestures of sharing†¦ A particularly praiseworthy example of such gestures is the donation of organs†¦ offering a chance of health and even of life itself to the sick that sometimes have no other hope. The Current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, is a registered organ and tissue donor. The Buddhist faith teaches that organ donation is neither right nor wrong, and it is more of a personal decision rather than a Church teaching whether to donate organs or not. In some instances, organ donation is seen as an act of charity. Many Buddhists, Tibetan Buddhists in particular, have concerns about organ donation due to their beliefs of when consciousness leaves the body. Because donation from a deceased body has to occur immediately after the person dies. Tibetan Buddhists worry that the human body will be tampered with before the consciousness leaves the body. This is a worry to them because they believe that if the body is touched before consciousness leaves, it could potentially cause harm to the deceased’s future lives. As it can be seen from the above two examples, the Roman Catholic and Buddhists religions have differing views on organ donation, as Roman Catholicism is all for the issue and certain fields of Buddhism have a few more concerns about the matter. Cloning is an area of bioethics in which Roman Catholicism and Buddhist views differ greatly. A clone is a segment of DNA that has been isolated and replicated by laboratory manipulation. Cloning has achieved great scientific feat in previous years, with the successful cloning of dolly the sheep in 1996. There are no teachings in Roman Catholicism that directly state negative views on cloning as it has only been a matter in the past few decades, but there are principles in scripture that reveal opinions on such matters. In an excerpt from Genesis 1:26-27, it is revealed that God said, ‘and now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us’†¦ So God created human beings, making them to be like himself† It is taught that all human beings are created in the image of God and are therefore unique, hence cloning contradicts this theory as it is indeed, creating an exact duplicate of another human being. Also, Roman Catholicism teaches their followers that life is sacred and it should not be treated as an inanimate and worthless object, due to the fact that cloning causes scientists to experiment with human cells and embryos as if they have to spiritual value. Pope John Paul II stated in a speech to Vatican-based diplomats that one’s right to life is the most fundamental of human rights. Abortion, euthanasia, [and] human cloning . . . risk reducing the human person to a mere object. Buddhist belief with the matter is significantly on the other end of the scale. Buddhists do not have such a concept of individuality between each other, so Buddhist scholars don’t necessarily feel that there is any relevance in the way a child is born, rather than Roman Catholicism. The religion of Buddhism teaches that the earth is a place of suffering in which sickness, old age and death are unavoidable. Buddhism also teaches that to be healed from such a place is to reach a state of enlightenment. Some Buddhists believe that reproductive cloning can even help people reach such a state due to the fact that one can possible select certain attributes, such as selectively breeding people with advanced moral qualities. Professor Yong Moon from Seoul National University stated that Cloning is a different way of thinking about the recycling of life. It’s a Buddhist way of thinking. As the above examples show, Roman Catholicism and Buddhism have greatly differing views on the concept of cloning. Since it was first used in 1978, In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF, has caused significant amounts of controversy between many of the world’s religions and cultures. IVF is a technique enabling some women who are unable to conceive to bear children, in which egg cells removed from a woman’s ovary are fertilized by sperm in vitro. Some of these eggs are then incubated until the blastocyst stage, which are then implanted into the woman’s uterus. The Roman Catholic church condemns IVF births as children are meant to be conceived though natural means, that is, sexual intercourse between man and wife. It is also due to the fact that children are meant to be created through man, woman and God, rather than man, woman and doctor. Another reason why Roman Catholicism disagrees with IVF is because of the way that the sperm from the male is produced – masturbation. Such acts are looked on dishonourably by the Roman Catholic faith. An excerpt from CCC2352 states that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action. The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose. Roman Catholics also believe that a life is created the moment a child is conceived, and that every blastocyst deserves the right to life. IVF contradicts this as for most IVF procedures, the woman will produce many eggs, and only a select few will be implanted into her uterus, leaving many to be either washed down a sink or kept for medical research. The Roman Catholic Church does not agree with stem cell research on embryos for the reason that these embryos will inevitably die. There is little information on Buddhist belief and IVF, but it is known that Buddhism presents greatly opposing beliefs on IVF. They believe that every human has been closely connected with another and one time or another, due to the belief of previous lives. Also, Buddhists believe that any person involved in the creation of a child has a karmic connection. A karmic connection is a sense that one feels instantly comfortable and familiar with another, as in the relationship between mother and child. In a â€Å"regular† pregnancy, this connection is felt between the mother, father and child. However, in a pregnancy which was a result of IVF, the connection is evident between the mother, father, child and doctor, as they all played a role in the creation of the life. To sum up, Roman Catholicism and Buddhism have greatly differing views on whether or not IVF should or should not be used when trying to conceive a child. In conclusion, Roman Catholicism and Buddhism share common grounds on many Bioethical issues, yet their views and beliefs can also differ greatly. Buddhism tends to accept bioethical issues that do not affect the life and death process of the human person, such as contraception, cloning and IVF. The Roman Catholic Church disagrees with forms of Bioethics that prevent, end or create life in an unnatural manner, such as euthanasia, abortion and cloning. The Roman Catholic Church has more set in rules and restrictions, rather than Buddhism in which many bioethical issues are left to the individual person to decide whether they are right choice to make or not. References

Monday, September 16, 2019

Discuss the value requirements" needed to gain the Diploma of Social Work

In my essay I will discuss the â€Å"value requirements† needed to gain the Diploma of Social Work and give 6 examples from my own work experience that I think are relevant from a legal perspective. Within the essay I shall begin by defining the term ‘values'. Values are based on the belief that something is good and desirable, the acceptable standard of a person, group or society within. It defines what is important, worthwhile and worth striving for. Values are very much influenced by the views that people have about how society should be organised and how social relationships should be regulated. Values are distinguished from knowledge. Traditionally Social Work values for examples are user or client self-determination, acceptance, non-judgemental attitudes and confidentiality these can also be a guide of conduct and actions of social workers. Ref. : Dictionary of Social Work I'm working in a direct access hostel that accommodates homeless men. These men are suffering from either alcohol or drug addiction and also from mental health problems. One of my values is not to drink alcohol or at least only in a considered amount. Also using drugs is something, which I for myself consider is against my value-belief. The implication towards one part of my client group, those men who are dependent on alcohol, could be that I preach them you should not drink so much and to do this and that . I could treat them in a disadvantage way because I disagree with their lifestyle. Putting them down and may make them feel there are â€Å"low† or even worse, not worth my time. They might be all alcoholics, drug-addicts etc. but I still have to treat everyone as an individual and according to his or her needs. They may have all different reasons while they depend on alcohol and drugs (i. e. loss of partner, marriage breakdown, repossession of house or flat, bankruptcy). I look at one persons life and look what happen in their life, the problems they had and if there are pattern and solutions to help that particular person to do one thing or another. I can put my own life experience into account if it is relevant and may help. Each individual is also unique in their way. Every human being is different like a fingerprint is, so is every ones values and diversity's (i. . sexual orientation, religion, culture, nationality, skin colour, class and age). Every one likes to be respected but this in turn should be a value for each one to respect anyone else. To recognise all the differences in each individual in each different case and use these differences and to help to help themselves and that promotes the people's right to choose. People who are dependent on alcohol and drugs can not be treated all in the same way. They are all individuals and unique and got to be treated as such. I have to use their backgrounds or beliefs and can not apply the same remedy for everybody to cure them. In the hostel we also have Muslim residents, who do not eat pork because of their religious beliefs. We have to advise the canteen staff accordingly to this to prepare different meals for them that do not came in conflict with their religion. Also to share a room with somebody who keeps an animal is out of question for a Muslim, because in their religion it is seen as â€Å"dirty†, not clean. So I have to make sure to put him with somebody else or in a single room to respect and value his needs. A client or resident comes to have a word with me in private. But he wants that what is said in private does not to go any further than between the two of us. I have to tell him that in my position I can not guarantee this. Than I have to take what he says to me on board and consider if this kind of information can really be kept away form other members of staff. In my working environment I have the duty to share â€Å"information† with my other colleges, team-leader, counsellor and management. If for example he tells me that while he is drinking heavily he also becomes aggressive and might sometimes â€Å"blow his fuse† if anybody annoys him, but does not anybody to know because people may start to treat him differently. This is a matter where I have to pass this information on. Even if he has a right to privacy but in these kind of circumstances the staff and other residents are put in danger. Information has to be revealed to staff only and some sort of precocious measures have to be taken. But if there is only minor disclosures than it will be kept confidential. If one of the residents has HIV/Aids this is a matter of strict confidentiality and will not disclosed to anyone else within or outside the organisation, or recorded in the resident's file, without the person's permission. The only exception in that case is if life-threatening injury or illness occurs. Disclosure to medical personnel is essential to treatment. Also if major blood loss takes place and there is a risk of transmission to other residents or staff. The way we assist people to improve there lives simply starts with befriending, providing material and recreational resources. Also activities like scrabble, pool, table-tennis, chess groups, darts and competitions, video and bingo nights, photography, football, craft. Registering with GP's and also at occasions go for day trips to the seaside and visiting theatres. Organising IT courses and helping with finding a job and resettlement. Health care and counselling is also provided. I speak to residents about any kind of problems or help they may want and advise them about referrals to other hostels, benefits and personnel matters. I come a lot of times in contact with people addicted to drugs and assist them in the counselling process to try to get them of drugs By trying them to get off drugs it helps them to take control of their life and their life takes a different direction. I have to speak to a resident on a one to one basis that if he is taking drugs on the premises he will lose his right to stay at the hostel and as a consequence be evicted. This will hopefully protect himself from using drugs and also protect other drug dependent residents who want to become clean with their addiction, to falling back into old habits. We also help in a way that we give medical advice and medicaments to residents in collusion with medical staff. One incident happen not a long time ago where a white resident went into the lift and just as the lift doors were closing another four black residents jumped in. He then got out of the lift and soon as the lift went up he complained to me that he could not go with â€Å"these† residents in the same lift. I asked why, and he responded â€Å"you know what these black are alike†. I said no and asked him the same question but he refused to explain to me â€Å"why†. It was in my view a certain racist behaviour. But he was not racist verbally (he has not spoken out what he really meant by this), so there was nothing I could do except speak to him and let him know that the black residents may see this as racist act and it might be hurting them. Another incident involved myself with one of the residents making Nazi-salutes at one day and on the next giving head butting signs. At this occasion an incident report was made and the resident being giving immediately notice to leave within 24 hours. When I encounter any racism, discrimination or disadvantage I pull the resident by side or take him to the interview room and have a word with him. Depending how severe the incident was I have to write an incident report and this goes than to the team-leader or manager who than decides what action are be taken. Our hostel policy states no person will be treated less favourably than any other person because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, appearance, gender, sexuality, marital status, physical disability, health status, age, religious, spiritual or political beliefs or offending history (Ref. Bridge Housing Association, Equal Opportunities Policy). A lot of people say HIV/Aids is a homosexual disease. If I have a homosexual resident at the hostel and can not stigmatise them by saying all homosexuals must have aids and treat him in a totally different manner then anyone else. Also a lot of people assume that alcoholics talk a lot of rubbish, is not very coherent, falls all over the place and looks shabby. If I deal now with an alcoholic who have these appearance I could automatically assume there is no point for me really to try to deal with this person because he do not know what I'm talking about anyway. The drink has got to him and because of the problems I may associate with alcoholism I could treat them all in the same way. With this attitude and thinking he is not worth my time because he would not remember anyway what I'm talking about I would just do enough (paperwork) without giving him the help he might really need. When a resident is totally drunk I give a cup of coffee or support him to his bedroom where he can sleep for a while to get sober. When he is in a state where I can talk to him I will do so he in private with no other residents present. Just because the person does have an alcohol dependency I do not treat him as that. I treat him as a normal individual and treat him in a way that if I would be an alcoholic, the way I would like to be treated. To have values is a good thing because at enables you to set goals for yourself and to achieve objectives. But there is also a down side where other people values can come into conflict with my own.